Self-employed Home as Office Calculator

Bills incurred as a result of working from home can be claimed on your yearly US and UK tax returns. Find out how much you could be claiming through our calculator below. This calculator is currently designed for self-employed professionals only. We will have an employed calculator up shortly!

Please speak to a certified tax adviser for an accurate calculation of your Home as an Office expense. Feel free to get in touch via our contact us page.

Would you like the results in USD or GBP?


Please enter the weekly hours you spend working from home.


How many rooms are there in the home you use for work, this includes rooms such as Bedroom, living room, office, kitchen, etc...


How many rooms in your home are used for work?


Please enter the total amount you spend on home related bills. This includes, utility bills, council tax etc...


Important! This is only a reference point. Your total grant owed is variable depending on the information you submit. The HMRC offer further guidance on their website.
