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What the Autumn Statement 2023 means for US expat pensions and retirement

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Pensions and retirement have taken centre stage in the Autumn Statement 2023. Many Americans living in the UK will be aware of the complexities of navigating the US and UK pensions on their yearly tax return. Unfortunately, this is an area where we often see the largest portion of mistakes when new U.S. U.K. tax filers come to us.

To keep you ahead of the curve we have created this resource delving into the key aspects of the 2023 UK Autumn Statement and how they directly impact your pension and retirement plans for US expatriates.

Much of this information will also be relevant to those who are not US citizens living in the UK, however we have put extra focus on disclosing the changes through the US UK tax eye.

As a bit of an introduction for those who have not came across us before- we are a US-UK-certified accountancy firm specialising in international taxation.

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You can watch the full Autumn Statement 2023 announcement on the BBC website, the full autumn statement is also available to read.

Reach out with any questions- we are always happy to help.

Feel free to skip to the sections that you deem relevant to your situation by using the links below:

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The state pension will increase to 8.5% from April 2024. This translates to a weekly amount of £221.20 for the full new flat-rate pension and £169.50 for the full basic state pension.

A “triple lock” has also been confirmed. This means that the state pension will increase annually in line with the highest inflation, average earnings, or a minimum of 2.5%.

This means that Americans Living in the UK who qualify for the State Pension will experience a boosted retirement income.

For those who have contributed to both the UK State Pension and US Social Security systems, it is always important to note the two are treated systematically to ensure you remain in line with tax obligations and avoid unnecessary reduction due to Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) or Government Pension Offset(GPO) in the US Social Security System. We have also noted a crackdown of US pension treatment from the HMRC in recent months. A higher overall UK state pension wil affect final calculations.

Although not impacted by the State Pension Increase- the current fluctuations in exchange rates should also be considered for those receiving the UK State Pension who have moved back to the U.S. or elsewhere.

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A 2% cut to the Class 1 National Insurance rate from January 6, 2024. This cut will apply between the primary threshold and the upper-earnings limit, potentially saving high-rate taxpayers £754 annually.

Many of my U.S. expatriate clients have come over to the UK for work, the 2% decrease is likely to affect a large portion of Americans in the U.K. The reduction in NI contributions will provide significant relief to US-UK taxpayers, with varying savings depending on income.

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Self-employed professionals will also have an extra £192 in their back pocket as a result of the decision to abolish Class 2 National Insurance. This applies only to those earning above £12,570.

Alongside the scrapping of the Class 2 NI, is the lowering of Class 4 National Insurance by 1%, saving self-employed professionals around £350 per year.

The recent changes in the UK's National Insurance system, including the abolition of Class 2 National Insurance contributions for self-employed professionals earning over £12,570 and a 1% reduction in Class 4 National Insurance rates, have significant benefits for US expats in the UK. These changes mean more money in their pockets, increased financial flexibility, and potentially improved competitiveness in the marketplace. Self-employed Americans can find self-employment more attractive, enjoy simplified tax obligations, and contribute to local economic growth. To maximize these advantages, it's crucial for US expats to stay informed about tax laws, consult tax professionals, and optimize their financial strategies.

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The chancellor has initiated a consultation on ‘lifetime pensions’, allowing individuals to have a single pension throughout their work life, regardless of their employers.

What are the benefits of a lifetime pension?

The concept of 'lifetime pensions' refers to a pension system where individuals can maintain a single pension account throughout their entire working life, regardless of changes in employers or job positions. The benefits of 'lifetime pensions' include:

Portability - Individuals can carry their pension account with them as they change jobs or employers, ensuring consistent pension savings.

Simplified Retirement Planning - Managing a single pension account simplifies retirement planning, providing a clear overview of pension holdings.

Reduced Administrative Hassles - Avoiding multiple pension schemes reduces paperwork and administrative complexities.

Financial Security - Predictable retirement income and informed financial decisions enhance financial security during retirement.

Continuity in Contributions - Consistent contributions, even with job changes, lead to uninterrupted pension savings growth.

Enhanced Retirement Flexibility - A single account allows flexibility in retirement choices and tailored planning.

Potential Tax Benefits - Streamlined pension savings may offer tax planning opportunities for greater efficiency.

However, for U.S. expats living in England, it should be noted that you cannot move a 401(k) directly to the UK. Therefore, those with savings in a 401(k) and UK pension, will still hold multiple pensions and thus lifetime pensions a void system for U.S. expatriates in the UK. This being said it may well simplify your documents for when you claim tax relief on your UK pension contributions in the UK.

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The Life Time Allowance limit set on pension contributions will be removed from 6th April 2024. This means, much like the U.S. system there will not be a cap on how much you can contribute to your pension across your lifetime. This being said, again much like the Federal system, there are caps on the yearly contributions you can make.

It is worth noting that the U.K. and U.K. have different maximum yearly pension contributions and different criteria between threshold groups.

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The government is considering a requirement for pension trustees to deliver top-quality and cost-effective services and products when individuals tap into their pension savings. They're also exploring the expanded use of Collective DC schemes to enhance long-term pension saving in the UK.

For instance, one service that pension trustees could offer is managing investments. They oversee how pension funds are invested to ensure they grow over time. This involves making decisions on where to invest the funds, diversifying the investments to manage risk, and monitoring performance to help pension savers reach their retirement financial goals.

This proposal can be advantageous for US expats in the UK, potentially leading to reduced fees and more transparent retirement planning options. It could also provide access to competitive pension products, bolstering financial security in retirement and potentially impacting US expats with investments in the UK by offering more efficient investment choices for their pension savings.

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£250 million is set aside to help pension schemes invest in science and technology companies. This is great news for our U.S. expats working in the tech and science fields. It could lead to more jobs and opportunities for growth in these sectors, benefiting everyone involved.

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Navigating Your UK Pension as a US Expat

The Autumn Statement 2023 has introduced important changes to UK pensions, and understanding their impact as a US expat can be challenging. We're here to provide clarity and guidance. From State Pension increases to National Insurance changes and 'lifetime pensions,' our expertise can help you navigate these developments effectively. Feel free to reach out with your questions, and let us assist you in optimizing your pension and retirement plans. Your financial security is our priority.

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